For those who live hear, it needs no explanation. For those that don't, let me explain that we have, in my opinion, about the worst weather/seasons in the nation. The winter is long, grey, extremely cold, filled with ferocious winds. Even fans of winter admit that when we do have enough snow cover for sledding, or ice for skating, it's most often too bitterly cold (10 degrees or less) to send adults or kids out for any period of time. When it's slightly "warmer", the snow melts into a wet, dirty slush. So we stay indoors, heated.
And just when you think spring has finally sprung -- Wham! Another 6" snowfall, frozen tulips & apple blossoms. Fall and spring are sometimes (most often) non-existent. It's not unusual for temperatures to go from 70s to 30s overnight... and back again. So we plan for things indoors, because you just never know.
Summers (which are my favorite) are filled with complaints about the extreme heat and humidity. (I actually like 90 degrees, even with humidity.) And again, too hot, too humid, ozone warnings... don't do extreme physical activity... cooling centers... don't let your kids get dehydrated. So we stay indoors, air conditioned.
Planning outdoor activities in Chicago is a bigger gamble than the stock market. At least there you can take educated guesses. Here, things can (and often do) change in a few hours. Dire weather predictions pass without incident. Sudden storms break out with little or no warning. Personally, I depend on my head (sinus headaches) as a more accurate indicator than the weather reports.
And really, even as I peruse my Facebook friends this morning (another 6" predicted), EVERYONE is complaining about the weather, and hating winter. So why do we live here? Personally, I've been trying to find a way to move for 20 years. Really. First it was family & friends keeping me here, then they all moved. Then work. Then it dried up. Then, just when I think I've got my ducks in a row, my house ready (it's taken me 7 years to finish the rehab on what I'd hoped would be a better investment than stocks & give me the foundation to set up in a new place).... crash, boom, bang. Anybody want to buy a gorgeous, move-in-ready, great location, house in Oak Park? Anybody???? The weather isn't that bad... really.
The paradox of insular language
1 year ago
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